I think that Swiftie spending just replaced spending elsewhere rather than injecting additional money into the economy, along with likely increasing credit card debt for those big spenders. Wages at the bottom ten percent are certainly up; no one talks of the need for a $15 minimum wage law when McDonald’s offers more than that without a law. The economic problem continues to be the millions of working age people who choose not to seek employment. Having those people working and creating wealth would have a larger, more enduring economic impact than any concert tour, with all due respect to Swift’s economic impact and charitable activity.
And California will always have a natural climate advantage over New York in having access to a variety of fresh, healthy foods.
I think that Swiftie spending just replaced spending elsewhere rather than injecting additional money into the economy, along with likely increasing credit card debt for those big spenders. Wages at the bottom ten percent are certainly up; no one talks of the need for a $15 minimum wage law when McDonald’s offers more than that without a law. The economic problem continues to be the millions of working age people who choose not to seek employment. Having those people working and creating wealth would have a larger, more enduring economic impact than any concert tour, with all due respect to Swift’s economic impact and charitable activity.
And California will always have a natural climate advantage over New York in having access to a variety of fresh, healthy foods.
Well done.